LD logoDanylle Miller Designs

This site was designed for a quilt designer. I chose to use a bright triad color schema using colors from the logo.

I used Illustrator to design the website and coded it with Dreamweaver using HTML, CSS, PHP, and JQuery.

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About Dee Christopher

My introduction to quilting began at an early age when my mother first put the needle in my hand. Quilting was a necessity for our family to stay warm at night. Little did I know that quilting would become a life long passion. In fact, I would have bet the bank against it. My degree is in Education and Family Ministry which has now blended perfectly with my love of teaching quilting. Over the years my central focus has been to usher new quilters into the quilting world as well as helping people develop confidence and a personal style.

Over the decades I have had the privilege of watching people find their creative voice as well as fostering friendships that quilting naturally inspires.

My personal mission is to share my love of quilting in a straightforward and relaxed atmosphere. When teaching, my goal is to educate and encourage those interested in quilting as clearly and simply as possible. I find both venues fun, inspiring and stimulating. My work can be seen in Alex Anderson's books, Keep Quilting with Alex Anderson and Neutral Essentials with Alex Anderson.

Personally, whether alone or with others, I find my time quilting to be special and rejuvenating. Creatively, I enjoy the challenge of creating new patterns with a traditional spin. Together these two aspects of quilting make a perfect blend for a life journey.



Ladiebug Designs © 2011
Home | dee@thedevinequilts.com | Shopping Cart
4523 Lee Ann Circle; Livermore, CA 94550